L'Eco del TempoA new solo exhibition of unedited artworks by sculptor Giovanni Balderi

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L'Eco del Tempo
A new solo exhibition of unedited artworks by sculptor Giovanni Balderi

Palazzo Tornabuoni - Florence
September 25th 2017/ February 25th 2018

Giovanni Balderi is one of the talented young artists that the frilli gallery is prouds to count among its rising promises of contemporary art.

At Frilli Gallery we celebrate living artists, whose names speak firstly for their capabilities and expertise implied into the hard work of marble carving, or into a laborious burden of bronze casting and chiseling.

Giovanni Balderi is a marvelous blend of classic archetypes, to which he constantly draws, in a reinterpretation into contemporary , living and almost moving sculptures.

The perfection of classic aesthetics, firm, stable, almost closed in its perspectives , are disruptively broken in Balderi's Venuses and unformed marble blocks , reaching out for the imperfection of the unfinished, like a continuous becoming.

It is only a moment of the present, drawing from an important past and overlooking a long lasting future.


Please, download pdf catalogue in documents area from the homepage.