Lost wax bronze replica.
Author: Aristeas and Papias of Aphrodisias (their names are situated in the plinth)
The original masterpiece is now located inside the Capitolini Museums, Rome. The sculpture was found in 1736 in the house of Emperor Adriano in Tivoli, it is stylistically near the Adrian period. (117-138 d.C.)
In Greek mythology, a centaur or hippocentaur is a member of a composite race of creatures, part human and part horse.
This old centaur is also know do be part of the Furietti Centaurs (known as the Young Centaur and Old Centaur when being treated separately) a pair of Roman grey-black marble sculptures of centaurs based on Hellenistic lost models. One is a young smiling centaur with his arm raised,the other is mature, bearded centaur, with a pained expression.
The strongly contrasted moods were intended to remind the Roman viewer of the soul troubled in pain with love or uplifted in joy, themes of the Hellenistic poetry.
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