Athena is the warrior and virgin goddess, one of the most respected, she has various functions: she defends and advises heroes, instructs industrious women, guides the judges of the courts, inspires craftsmen, protects children. But when she is angry, this goddess can become merciless. The goddess is always represented dressed in a peplum and often armed, surrounded by her sacred symbols: the owl Athene noctua, the helmet, the spear, the shield and the Aegis, that is an indestructible cloak made with the skin of the Amalthea goat, which he had protected and nurtured Zeus, stolen from Cronus by his mother Rhea. Her sacred tree was the olive tree, which she created as a gift to the Athenians, to become their patron deity. Here she is portrayed standing, through an extremely proud and solemn pose.
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