Lost Wax bronze replica
Artist: Agasias of Ephesus
Period: 100 B.C.
Location: Musée du Louvre, Paris
This statue was casually discovered before 1611, at Nettuno south of Rome, among the ruins of a seaside palace of Nerone on the site of the ancient Antium. When discovered it was broken 17 different pieces.
The sculpture was added to the Borghese collection in Rome.
From the attitude of the figure it is clear that the statue represents a gladiator, a warrior in the moment of contending against an enemy and defending himself with a shield, presumably in bronze, that he held in his left raised arm.
Camillo Borghese was pressured to sell it to his brother-in-law, Napoleon Bonaparte, in 1807; it was taken to Paris when the Borghese collection was acquired for the Louvre, where it now resides.
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